Data Management

02 min read

Do you need financial insights, verified yet nearly ‎ real-time ‎?

We helped our customer to integrate the London Stock Exchange's nifty product called RNS into its infrastructure. So, what's all the fuss all about? Well, let me break it down for you in plain English.

Regulatory News Service (RNS) is like a supercharged data feed platform with real-time updates and lightning-fast delivery. It's the go-to place for all types of financial data for the London Stock Exchange, neatly organised in a way that is easy to understand and use. No more headache-inducing data chaos!

Picture this: RNS has an enormous treasure trove of historical data as well as real-time news feed, just waiting to be explored. They've got years' worth of validated and cleansed data, including all the juicy details from the London Stock Exchange listed companies in the past. And it's not just plain old numbers either; you can get your hands on associated benchmarks and indices, making it a one-stop shop for all your data needs.

We seek and gather 20GB data/hour

But wait, there's more! RNS also dishes out corporate action and dividend data. You can devour this information in real-time through their electronic feeds.

Now, if you're into deep diving and crunching numbers, RNS has got your back. Their trade data offering is top-notch, fully normalised, and includes all the trade classification data you could ever dream of. They even follow the fancy FIX market standard MMT schema. Fancy lingo aside, this means you'll have all the details you need for in-depth quantitative analysis. Talk about arming yourself with powerful insights!

Alright, let's talk about options. RNS offers a variety of data access flavours to suit your taste. You can go all-in with full-market depth data, perfect for those who crave every bit of detail. Or, if you're looking for a more basic version, they've got standard Level 1 access, keeping things simple and straightforward. And hey, they even throw in a free 15-minute delayed post-trade data option, because why not?

Accessing RNS is a breeze too! You can hop on their Eikon platform, where you'll find a treasure trove of valuable analytics, daily and intraday charting applications, and more. It's like having your own financial data playground right at your fingertips.

Now here's the cherry on top. With RNS integration, our client gets a winning combination of Reuters' global news service and the LSE's very own Regulatory News Service. This means they have access to real-time insights and key decision-making information, all in one place. They can provide human-curated summaries of key events as soon as they happen.

Goodylabs has been supporting Briefcase.News as a technical partner since 2016. Together with our client we developed a platform that processes more than 20GB of data per hour and gives the best insights to the biggest stock companies in London Stock Exchange and Singapore.

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Filip Iwański

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